define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M'); gtag('config', 'AW-800426471');

About SVV

Creating a platform designed solely for innovation

SVV's Mission

What do we stand for?

Our mission at SVV is to help take the ‘hard’ out of ‘hardware‘. We want to make creating hardware products less difficult. SVV strives to accelerate the testing and introduction of new products and provide the best engineering, product design and manufacturing services possible. This is all in the name of innovation.

Our History

Where it all began

Founded in 2015 by three partners, Chadwick Xu, Tong Li, and Granite An, SVV is an umbrella corporation comprised of three core services, engineering, manufacturing, and investment in the form of services. We work with startups, SMEs, corporations, and universities from all over the world, providing a one-stop solution for all hardware product development needs.

Zowee Technology is one of China’s largest manufacturing companies. Their clients are comprised of global brands such as Xiaomi, Huawei, and Samsung. Chadwick Xu and Tong Li were co-founders of the Zowee factory. After Zowee Technology made an IPO in 2010, Chadwick Xu and Tong Li went on to form Shenzhen Valley Ventures with Granite An (Lenovo’s R&D director for over 15+ years). Today, Zowee Technology is SVV’s partner, allowing SVV to utilize Zowee’s supply chain and infrastructure.

Our Product Development Facility in Shenzhen

Completely develop your product under one roof