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5G: What Does it Promise?

5G What's it all about?


Now it is becoming clear that the inevitable future of the 5G network is here. However, what does it all mean? And what advantages does this bring? As the latency speed will be greatly decreased we’re unlocking the next level in advanced robotics. How will this impact the industry?


Real-time streaming with 5G


5G doesn’t just speed up download speeds and reduce buffer issues, it allows for real-time feedback, and we mean real-time. It has already been used for extraordinary applications in the medical World. Whereby, surgeons are able to operate on their patients’ thousands of miles away. This revolution will enhance medical procedures, autonomous driving, and begin the age of air mobility passenger vehicles.


There are many articles online explaining the concept of 5G. I will simplify and summarize. 5G is fast. The idea is to reduce latency speeds by placing high-speed frequency stations closer together. These stations will be able to accommodate speeds below 1 ms (millisecond) at 1GB/s (Gigabyte). This means robotics/automation/ even your phone all have almost instantaneous feedback, reducing the risk of collisions and unexpected delays.


Related articles:


– Shenzhen becoming the first city in the World to go 5G.

– What will 5G bring to industrial robots


Written by: Frederick Bravey

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