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What to do after your seed round?

What to do after your seed round

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You got your seed investment! Great, well done. Now, what the heck do you do with it? There is the quick and easy approach of, investing into your first prototype or, on the other hand, use the majority of it on your marketing campaign.


You can begin testing your hypothesis of, does this work? Would people buy this? Is it solving the issue I set out to solve? Again it won’t be close to what’s in your mind, but it is a starting point, and eventually, a physical device to show off to investors.

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Creating a top-notch crowdfunding campaign. They can see that the money they invest in these marketing campaigns is designed to help them achieve 2 things:

  1. Raise more capital via crowdfunding and/or via VC/Angels
  1. Create a buzz around the product, and begin hyping the sales before it’s launched (or developed for that matter)

Secret option:

Do both! I have seen startups 3D print the casing to help investors/buyers visualize what the end product will look like/work like and invest in that marketing campaign. Your seed should act as your first foot in the door, the first leg onto the platform. Just be wise with what you choose.

Written by: F. Bravey

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