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Robotics: The Present & Future

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With the rise of the upcoming 5G networks ready to become the new norm. What will this mean for robotics? It’s hard to wrap our heads around a World whereby the majority of our jobs will be overtaken by machinery. But, is it really that scary?


Remember the first mobile phones, the first digital cameras, the first laptops were introduced? What happened? It began assisting our lives. We could take instant images, expand our network, stay in touch, it is what is known as the digital age. Think of how our lives have been enhanced due to this escalation of technology. Does it now mean we’re entering the robotics age?




Robotics has been assisting our lives for years now. Although they don’t have a face or voice they are still present in everyday life. Robots are automated tools that we neglect to realize have dominated our everyday tasks such as, recording TV shows, vacuuming the floor, even robotics that improves healthier eating. We have become so relaxed with new technology we haven’t even realized how much they are already assisting our lives.


However, the future holds a more Hollywood style approach to robotics. The future we all envision has most certainly begun. Hospitality jobs are becoming obsolete via the rise of robotic help. Take Japan, for example, the leading country in robotic technology, restaurant kitchens in Japan use robots to make sushi and chop vegetables. Additionally, robots work as receptionists, cleaners and drink servers. Some robots even specialize in making coffee!


On the other hand, the majority of labor jobs in factories, hospitality, and F&B will be eventually replaced, and sooner than you think. Looking back toward the 1900’s when farmers, railroads, mail services employed 100,000’s of jobs, compared with today only employs >10% of what it was. In certain industries, we’re already seeing up to 90% of job losses due to this rise in robotics. A report released in November 2017 by McKinsey Global Institute found that up to 800 million global workers will lose their jobs to new technology by 2030.


Businesses, Industrial Robotics


Automation has given rise to many businesses. Especially in the hardware sector. With these fully automated systems now producing at high quantity and quality. The precision of industrial robotics has elevated consumers’ quality expectations. For example, Xiaomi is an electronics company. They produce phones, battery packs, laptops, shavers, etc… The key to Xiaomi’s success is the affordability of its manufacturing operations. Their business model is based upon, high-quality products at very low prices. Through industrial robotics, they are able to achieve this.


On the other end of the spectrum, startup companies also prosper from robotics. Previously, product development would take years to accomplish, and more often or not there would’ve been issues. However, today it takes months, and quality/safety is monitored closely with the help of robotics. This advancement is generating the rise of many new innovative businesses.



“800 million global workers will lose their jobs to new technology by 2030.”


Sport & Fitness


Are we going to become healthier, or lazier? We can see a World whereby robots take on the hard labor, but does that mean we will sit back and do nothing? Or will we embrace this chance to work on other areas of ourselves we once didn’t have time to?


It’s always a challenging question to answer. Once we live in a World without having to assert energy toward daily tasks, will we become lazier? To say the least, no, of course we won’t, at least not all of us. As technology advances so does the ambition of the human body and mind. Today we’re given the option to reduce our body weight or pay for a new appearance but many of us tend not to. We usually choose to exercise and eat healthily. See this ‘choice’ will not change even when labor tasks become easier.    


Robotics could potentially help us become fitter, healthier, or even push us to better ourselves. Imagine a personalized robotic coach pushing you to exercise, cooking you the correct meals, motivating you daily. Once we begin embracing the future of robotics we can begin discovering endless possibilities which, not hinders, but enhances our everyday capabilities.


Entertainment Robotics


The entertainment industry, especially Hollywood, has been using robotics and advanced tech to unveil some of the most incredible sets of our time. The film industry is moving and embracing technology at a rapid pace allowing for steep competition to outperform one another through the next big blockbusters.


Stuntronics is a term used to describe robots which, well, do stunts. In the latest advancement of robotics production studios such as, Disney, are using robotics, not only for cameo scenes but to perform stunts which are too dangerous for humans to perform. The implications of this technology could even lead to entire stage performances acted out by robots.


The consumer end of the entertainment robots, we are seeing the rise of robotic ‘pets’ such as dogs and cats. These ‘pets’ perform tricks and even sound like they’re alive. Not only are robotic ‘pets’ entering our lives, but the art industry is also acquiring this new technology, through robotic dancers and sculptures. We’re seeing more and more interactive art at galleries and conferences using robotics as the forefront of these pieces.




The future will inevitably be crowded with robotics, automation, and AI. The question is, how will you approach this new age? Will it be through fear? Anger? Or will you embrace this new future? No matter what industry you’re in, no matter where you live, robotics will have an impact on your life.   


Written by: Frederick Bravey

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