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What is prototyping?

engineer working on a prototype
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Prototyping is a complex process that involves a lot of try and error. Getting yourself to a prototyping stage is the first real milestone for your startup company. If it isn’t already apparent a prototype is a validation point of your idea or product. Once getting to a prototype you’re able to see and feel, a more physical version of what you’ve set out to achieve.  


What is prototyping and why is it important?

As mentioned above, a prototype is a validation point. This validation point is verifying your ideas, or product’s, main functions. The importance of prototyping boils down to proving to yourself, and others that your idea is a workable one, and you’re able to receive traction which will assist you throughout your product development process.

Why do we prototype?

There are many reasons as to why we prototype. Prototyping is a crucial stage within your product development cycle. Without prototyping, you’d be moving from an idea to manufacturing (although almost impossible) without firstly, validating your overall product. 

Reasons why we prototype: 

  1. To ensure the product’s main functions are working the way you want them to. For example, if you’re creating an IoT device that isn’t connecting to the desired system/other devices, then the main function is not working.


  1. To market test your future product. Once you get to a working prototyping stage, then it is a good opportunity to market test and get invaluable feedback on your product.


  1. In some cases, as a prototype is a key validation point, you can use the prototype to begin showcasing your product. This can significantly help you raise capital and market traction


  1. Prototyping can also give you great insight into the future manufacturing costs of your product. Using a prototype to benchmark your budget for manufacturing is a great way to make changes, if necessary, to reduce your overall BOM costs.  


What is the best prototyping tool?

There are many tools out there that greatly assist in the prototyping process, and many of them are easily available. One of the most popular choices is, of course, 3D printing. 3D printing your prototype is a fast and efficient way to get to that ‘looks-like / feels-like’ product.  


3D printing has been around for many years and the excitement is not showing any signs of slowing down. 3D printers are able to, using a CAD file, build a prototype, with quite some accuracy, in a short period of time. We have seen many prototypes using 3D printing as a showcasing product. As a starting point, we’d say 3D printing is the best prototyping tool.


Concluding what is prototyping?

It’s very apparent that in order to begin moving forward with your hardware development, we must get ourselves to the first validation point of prototyping. The reasons we prototype are not just to prove to people we are moving ahead with our development, but rather, use the prototyping stage to answer questions that need to be answered to ensure a smooth transition throughout your development process. 


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